EÇA DE QUEIRÓS (1845-1900)
“Tendo nascido na Póvoa do Varzim (25 de novembro de 1845), Eça de Queirós desenvolveu a sua vida literária entre meados dos anos 60 e 1900, quando, a 16 de agosto, morreu em Paris. (…) À medida que as referências realistas e naturalistas se vão diluindo, é a representação da vida psicológica das suas personagens que começa a estar em causa“ in http://cvc.instituto-camoes. pt/seculo-xix/eca-de-queiros. html#.W_vQO5P7RUQ
This important name of portuguese literature, was born in Póvoa do varzim, november 25, 1845. Eça de Queirós marked the Portuguese literary scene with a high quality literary production, some of which was unpublished at the time of his death. (…) He developed his literary life between the mid-1860s and 1900, when, on August 16, he died in Paris.
As an interpreter of realism and naturalism, he portrays in detail spaces and characters of his time. Eça stands out fundamental aspects of Portuguese public life of the second half of the nineteenth century. After this moment, it is the psychology of his characters that gains the most relevance…
Eça de Queirós it’s a very relevant thinker of Portuguese culture.
“Fernando Pessoa nasceu a 13 de Junho de 1888, no Largo de São Carlos, em Lisboa. Começou a escrever em criança e fê-lo sobretudo em português, mas também em inglês e francês. Viveu 47 anos e passou grande parte deste tempo a escrever. Considerava que ser poeta e escritor não constitui profissão, mas vocação.” in https://www. casafernandopessoa.pt/
“Fernando Pessoa was born on 13 June, 1888, in Largo de São Carlos, in Lisbon.
He began writing as a child and did so, above all, in Portuguese, although he also wrote in English and French. He lived to the age of 47, and spent most of this time writing. He considered that being a poet and a writer was not a profession, but a special calling.
He died on 30 November 1935, in Lisbon, the city that was referred to in many of his poems and the setting for the famous Book of Disquiet. It is in this city that his personal papers are to be found, housed at the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (the Portuguese National Library), and his own private library, which is kept at Casa Fernando Pessoa and is available for consultation online.”
Exterior em pele genuína
Forro em tecido
Pega de mão removível com 17 cm
Dimensões: 22 x 15 x 2 cm
Bolsa com alça tira-colo regulável
Exterior em pele genuína
Forro em tecido
Dimensões: 23 x 16 x 8 cm